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What is the most common exercise mistake people make when they start?

The biggest exercise mistakes I see when people start is “too much too soon”. Normally when we get back started into exercise we have a lot of motivation and excitement but the incidence of injury when starting or re-start is quite high. If the body has not had regular movement for years a more progressive approach is better to reduce the stress and shock on the body.

Exercise Mistakes

To get a clear understanding of best approach when starting or returning to exercise, we need to consider

  • Any injuries and medical history
  • Previous fitness background
  • How long since you have done exercise
  • Reason for the absence eg off due to pregnancy we need consider your core and pelvic floor function.
  • What other lifestyle factors can impact your exercise and recovery like high emotional stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, poor digestive health and detoxification pathways.

I am slightly basis, but considering the above, I would also suggest to see a personal trainer or exercise physiologist to review you independent requirements and personal circumstances for reduced injury and the best results.

An example of a general return to exercise program and reduce any exercise mistakes

  • Start with some light mobility exercises and stretches
  • Progress to include some core and stability exercises as well as some corrective exercises, if needed
  • Look at lifestyle factors such as nutrition, digestion, sleep, stress
  • Next step is to start strength exercises/program which could be just body weight exercise to start.
  • Later incorporate light cardio exercise
  • Then progress the strength and cardio exercise to improve endurance, speed then power

Understand that this is a general plan to return but ultimately it will be dependent on your requirements and goals.

Remember that the old adage “NO PAIN NO GAIN” – this does not apply here. If you are injured, you might not be able to return to exercise for 2 to 3 months.


Cameron Corish

Cameron Corish has been caring and achieving results for the local Wishart, Mansfield and Mt Gravatt community for over 10 years. Together with the Core Health Coaching Team, he takes a multi-disciplined and holistic approach to health and fitness addressing the physical, mental and emotional aspects of one’s health.  

Ready to feel and look your best?  Come in for a FREE chat and see how we can transform your life.  Call 0406 451 907 or email Cameron at

Originally, published in InShape News in March 2016:


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